Website Design & Development

We build websites that help your business grow.

Affordable & Powerful

Our websites convert like crazy, so there is that.

You're gonna need a plan.

A website isn't very useful without a web strategy. How will you acquire new visitors? What will do you with those visitors when they show up? How will you turn leads into customers? You get the point. We start with a plan. We build to that plan.

Expert Website Design

We specialize in Website Makeovers!

You know your site isn't performing the way you need it to, but maybe you're not ready for a top-down rebuild project.

No problem! Many of our site projects are simply overhauls, facelifts, or ports from older WordPress themes into a modern framework & page builder that you can easily manage in-house.



For every budget there is a season.
We've created an offering that's clear and transparent.
Nobody likes those hidden price gimmicks and we value your time too much to play that game with you.

Package 1 :
Ports & Microsites

Starting at


Perfect for those who have outgrown an older theme or platform such as Wix or Squarespace. We'll modernize your site on WordPress using's amazing Pro framework. It's a no-code, low-design facelift and a great way to get unstuck and back on track. We do a lot of these! 

Package 2 :
Space Shuttle

Starting at


For those with an in-house marketing department. You supply us with ready content, design, and graphics and we handle all of the development and integrations. Or, you show us a website out the world that you like a lot and we'll build you something better.

Package 3 :
Rocket Ship

Starting at


For those who need a more hands-on experience *. We handle the entire project from top down: discovery, strategy, design, development -- we've got this. 

*Copywriting services available. See add-ons below.

Package 4 :
Space Station Custom

Starting at


For clients with greater needs. Perhaps it's a large product inventory, a large volume of landing pages, funnels, or outside platform integrations. If you're playing a really big game, this is where we start.

All of our website projects include the following: 

Full-featured WordPress website on's Pro framework

eCommerce ready

Email marketing service integrations

Fully mobile-responsive design

CRM, and other 3rd party platform integrations

Comprehensive discovery phase

Free Migration from your old host

Includes our Site Accelerator Performance Package forever free when hosted with us

$99 annual value

Rocket Ship & Custom projects include: 

Extended discovery phase
(lots of meetings factored in)

Custom site-wide design including wireframes and mockups

Up to 5 conversion-built landing pages

Additional Landing Pages available at VIP rates

Bottomless post migration

Traffic & conversion strategy services

One year of free hosting on our blazing-fast Flywheel Managed WordPress hosting plan

Includes 1 year licenses to Pro, Gravity Forms, Termly, Gridbuilder, and other premium plugins.

Optional Add-ons

We're available to help you with as much or as little as you need.
One or more of these add-on services is often bundled in with our Website Design & Development packages, though you can also purchase these services outside of a website contract.


eCommerce & Online Shops


Managed WordPress Cloud Hosting


Membership & Community Websites


LMS System for Online Courses


Logo & Brand Design Package


Copywriting Services

Cutting edge and packed with features!

We've been building websites since 2007, and that's a long time to assemble a development toolkit that sets us apart from other design houses. Our websites are different. Take a look at the tools we use every day to make your projects soar. 

Meet our Features Stack

ADA Compliance – Web Accessibility Solution

Comply with international legislation & standards: ADA, WCAG 2.1, Section 508 & EN 301549. With a 300% YoY increase in legal actions, you need to protect yourself against the inevitable.

Automator WP

Connect your WordPress plugins, sites and apps and put them to work together. Save time and money automating tasks with no-code automation!

Calendly Appointment Scheduling Integration

Calendly is the modern scheduling platform that makes “finding time” a breeze. When connecting is easy, your teams can get more done. Why use a contact form when you can get prospects onto a sales call at your first available time slot? Visit to our own Contact Page to see this in action.

Custom Landing Pages

Your sales pages need to be built to match each product or service on offer – even to match the specific campaign or campaigns you’re running. These pages need Google Analytics goals tracking and they need to integrate with various components of your sales process and marketing hub. More importantly they need to tell the right story to the right person at the right time in order to impact your bottom line.

Custom Post Types and Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) turns WordPress sites into a fully-fledged content management system by giving you all the tools to do more with your data. Creating new custom post types and taxonomies is an essential part of building custom WordPress sites.

Custom Site-wide Design

The big difference between our introductory packages and our advanced packages is design. Most websites projects prioritize speed and visitor conversion over aesthetics and traditional design. Of course your site needs to look good and we pride ourselves on building attractive sites at all price points. The Rocket Ship and Space Station packages include a design process to create a look & feel that’s unique to your project, while still focusing on speed and conversion goals.

Event Tickets

Manage and sell ticketing and RSVPs, custom registration fields, attendee check-in, and upsell/cross-sells. An add-on for Events Calendar Pro, connects to your Stripe merchant account and your CRM.

Events Calendaring System

Hundreds of thousands of businesses, musicians, venues, restaurants, and non-profits are publishing and promoting their in-person and virtual events with Events Calendar Pro.

Filebird Pro

For websites with hundreds (or even thousands) of image files or documents. Filebird Pro gives us a folder-based add-on to the native WordPress Media Library for easy organization of all of your site images. It’s like Dropbox for your website.

Fluent CRM

FluentCRM is a Self Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin for WordPress. Manage your leads and customers, email campaigns, automated email sequencing, learner and affiliate management, and monitor user activities all in your WordPress dashboard.

Flywheel Hosted

Next Level Cloud-Based Managed WordPress Hosting. Our websites are all hosted on their own Google Cloud Platform server environment for ludicrous speed and reliability. It’s kind of a big deal.

Funnel Automation

Customer Journey Builder, campaign automation, TAGS TAGS TAGS, rich reporting and analytics, advanced segmentation, e‑commerce automations, SMS marketing.

Gravity Forms

A premium form builder that allows to you have powerful self-hosted forms, polls, quizzes and more. Can be used as a payment capture form for one-time sales and subscription based recurring payments. We use Gravity Forms in every site we build. It’s a Swiss Army knife of WordPress plugins.

Gridbuilder WP

Easily query and display WordPress content from your post types, taxonomy terms, or users with an intuitive and stylish admin interface. Perfect for image galleries, advanced content loopers, complex WooCommerce category pages, custom blog layouts.

Intercom Integration

Intercom is a Customer Service Solution. Resolve issues faster and boost customer satisfaction—all while reducing team workload. Combines automation and human support.


Makes WooCommerce do things you never thought possible in WooCommerce. Bumps, variations, upsells, downsells, customized post-purchase experiences. Sell better, sell more.

Logo & Branding Package

We turn to 99Designs for all of our logo and branding design work. They’re a global creative platform for custom graphic design: logos, brand ID and more. We know how to write creative briefs and engage with the designers to get you the right design for your business.

Membership Platform

MemberPress is a WordPress membership site plugin and LMS that makes it easy to charge your users for access to content and digital products such as software, e-books, and online courses you create. Perfect for when you need a tiered member system.


Advanced Analytics and Insights tool for WooCommerce store management and Marketing Automation. As data streams into Metorik in real-time, you can dig into it with our segmenting system and answer questions about where customers are coming from, what they’re buying, and who your most profitable customers are.

Online Course Platform

LearnDash is the most powerful learning management system (LMS) for WordPress. Integrates beautifully with BuddyBoss community platform, Mailchimp, and MemberPress.

Privacy Disclosure Compliance

We’ve installed and configured a platform-based Compliance Solution via Termly. Termly’s compliance suite can help you stay up to date and compliant with privacy laws like the GDPR, CCPA, ePrivacy Regulation, and more.


Go from “Blazing Fast Speeds” to “Ludicrously Blazing Fast.” Our sites all include Imagify and WP Rocket, configured to work hand in glove with Flywheel’s FLYCACHE server caching system. Previously only available on our Advanced and CarePlan hosting packages, we now offer this on all of our hosting packages.

Shopify to WooCommerce Integration

ShopWP is a WordPress eCommerce plugin allowing creators, founders, and merchants to sell Shopify products on any WordPress site.

Social Warfare

Controls how headlines, content descriptions, hashtags, and featured images are posted across 20+ social sharing platforms. Yoast does a great job parsing your meta data for Google search index but it doesn’t come close to handling Open Graph’s ever-shifting neediness and dysfunction as well as Social Warfare does.

Stripe Merchant Gateway

Scale faster by building your business on Stripe’s payment processing platform. APIs to accept credit cards, manage subscriptions, send money, run a marketplace.

Subscriber-based Membership Community

BuddyBoss is an advanced plugin for creating online communities on WordPress. Unlock online learning and full-scale social networking features on your website.

Themeco’s Pro Theme / Cornerstone Page Builder

Cornerstone is a professional-grade, all-in-one site building platform that sits on top of WordPress and opens up a whole new world of possibilities. We build 100% of our websites in Cornerstone and 99% of our sites on’s Pro theme. Themeco empowers us to build advanced Headers, Footers, Grids, Layouts, Custom Loopers, Menus and navigations. This thing is the heart of our development/design stack. Sure, you could use Elementor or Divi if you want to, but if you’re serious about your website and the business it’s designed to promote – is the best solution, bar none.

Tidio Integration

Generate more sales with Tidio, the ultimate customer service platform offering live chat boosted with chatbots. Trusted by 300k+ businesses worldwide.

WP Fusion

Integrates your WordPress site with your CRM or marketing automation platform. Keeps your Leads and Deals synced across all integrated platforms in (more or less) real time.

Zapier Connections

Zapier is an online platform that helps you automate workflows by connecting your apps and services you use. This allows you to automate tasks without having to build this integration yourself.

"Christopher has helped me on numerous projects related to improving the quality and effectiveness of my website and marketing efforts. Everything from conceptualizing and structuring my offerings, marketing copy, layout design and more has benefited immensely from his level of care, understanding, expertise, and attention to detail. He has been the voice of reason and honest feedback that I've needed to assist my business in moving forward in a direction that I feel great about. He's a rare gem in the web space and I'm grateful for his first-class service. I give PXLPOD the highest recommendation!"


Advanced Athletics

"One of the best decisions we ever made was to work with an American company, PXLPod Web Strategy, for our website and custom store management since we didn’t fit into any standard subscription software with our custom shipping schedule. Americans, generally speaking and respective of Italians, have a more rational and efficient approach to business and are 10 years ahead of us in Italy in terms of technology."


Rimessa Roscioli, Rome

"We hired PXLPod to design, build, and host our new website. The entire experience was smooth and the traffic has exceeded our expectations. We are forever grateful!”


Advantage Video

We'd love to show you some of our recent projects!

Website Design & Development

See our site packages

Your website is the heart of your online world. The hub. The mothership. The buck, quite literally, stops here. The web world has matured rapidly and user expectations are higher and more demanding than ever before. Your brand's credibility is significantly impacted by how well you present yourself online.

We build websites as a matter of course. Sure we build websites. We build beautiful and legit websites but the reason we build websites is to give your marketing efforts a fighting chance. What's the use of running marketing campaigns if your traffic doesn't convert to customers?